Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Feedback about the creation of an application on Google App Engine

Goal : Create a small alert's application on Google App Engine and evaluate the easiest method.
Here is my small feedback :

Test 1 : Create a small project with GWT


1) Installation
- Netbeans : Not working for me.Installation problem with plugin ...
- Intellij : I didn't find any plugin
- Eclipse : OK and it's easy

2) Create his own application

I want to made a small application but in my mind, GWt is too complex and not quick
Here is an example : see


Quick deploy on Google App Engine facile.

- Test 2 : Create a project with Play 1.2.5 and GAE plugin.


Easy to develop because of framework Play.


- I've some difficulties with my proxy
Here is the Play application with solution

- Play 1.2.5 isn't maintain.See if Yalp will work ...

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